Hypo Vereinsbank
Year 2014
Agency Heye
Elaboration of digital action and strategic orientation in line of the pitch for the Hypo Vereinsbank Germany.
Change is a crucial factor of success for society, politics and economics. Change thus is what drives banks like the HVB. This is why we defined the Claim:
„Wandel bewegt uns alle. Entscheidend ist was wir daraus machen.„
„Change moves. What matters is what we do.“
To reinforce and strenghten this approach we developed numerous digital ideas.
To give our customers the best ever user experience we expanded/broadend the offer of our online banking tool.
To give our private customers a perfect overview over their financial situation, we enhanced the private online banking with diagrams and planning tools. They are able to define goals, do get notifcations and tips for importatn financial actions are getting personal expert advise
The perfect overview and watchlist for Investments. But not only that. We developed a tool to compare shares and the stock market, to get the best tips from specialised consultants and an extra area for special interest articles, news and trends as well as a connection to your personal HVB Consultant
We relaunched the Intranet website in line with the idea of consistent change. Often intranets are kind of dead end internal websites with non interactive content.
That is neither what change suggests nor what employees would really use.
Thats why we wont only show static information but also integrate the employees from the first day on. An area where real Ideas and suggestions are kept. Best practice stories are told and an exchange board is integrated.
Stories of Change
HVB ist he crucial factor of enabling growth in companies.
On this microsite we talk about exactly these business stories and give them a stage with pictures, videos, and interviews. Users can thus not only find out about the business ideas but also about side facts and financial guidance of the project.
This is a page not only about business but also about the people that made this project happen. Because which entepreneur wouldnt be interested in who the consultant of an successfull project was.
Change Microsite
Website to feature Content from Areas like globalisation, economy, technology and society in context with the financial world and the HVB on a regular and up to date basis
Goal is to show the several facettes of change in an easy and understandable language to minimize fears.